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Chih-Hao Tsai's
Research Page

Psycholinguistics, Psychology of Reading,
& Cognitive Science

Web Publications

Romanization of Chinese

Similarities between tongyong pinyin and hanyu pinyin: Comparisons at the syllable and word levels (Chinese versions available)
2000-10-16 (Updated: 2004-07-01)

The response conflict problem in reading tongyong pinyin: A cognitive perspective (Chinese versions available)

Zhuyin, hanyu pinyin, and tongyong pinyin cross-reference table (with syllable frequency counts)
2000-10-16 (Updated: 2001-07-08)

Research Methodology and Philosophy

IML-BKP: SAS/IML implementation of a standard three-layer back-propagation network

C program for scanpath compression

1998, A year of no significance: The meaning of life of a psychologist

Language Processing

Lexical processing during reading: Ph.D. general area qualifying exam questions and answers

Reading list: Lexical processing during reading

Morphology and the mental lexicon: On the role of morphological structure in word recognition and lexical organization

Language Processing in Chinese

Lexical processing during reading in Chinese: Ph.D. specialized area qualifying exam questions and answers

Reading list: Lexical processing in Chinese during reading

Morphology and lexical processing in Chinese: An outline

Publications & Presentations

Cheng, R.-C., & Tsai, C.-H. (2006, September). Word identification in reading Chinese text. Poster session presented at the 45th Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan

Tsai, C.-H. (2005, August). Word identification and eye movement control in reading Chinese. Paper presented at the Second Annual Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. (Invited presentation)

Tsai, C.-H. (2004, August). Basis of eye movement recording. Paper presented at the First Annual Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, National Central University, Taiwan. (Invited presentation)

Tsai, C.-H. (2002, December). Language, cognition, and science education. Paper presented at the Symposium on Language and Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University. (Invited presentation)

Lu, C.-C., Bates, E., Hung, D., Tzeng, O., Hsu, J., Tsai, C.-H., & Roe, K. (2001). Syntactic priming of nouns and verbs in Chinese. Language and Speech, 44.

Tsai, C.-H., Kuo, W.-J., Tzeng, O. J.-L., Hung, D.-L., Fuh, J.-L., & Wang S.-J. (2001). Efficiency, capacity, and implicit learning: An account of the effects of aging and Alzheimer's disease on the performance in sequence learning. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 43, 223-237.

Tsai, C.-H. (2001). Word identification and eye movements in reading Chinese: A modeling approach. Dissertation Abstracts International, 62 (08), 3825B. (UMI No. 3023218)

Lu, C.-C., Bates, E., Li, P., Tzeng, O., Hung, D., Tsai, C.-H., Lee, S.-E., & Chung, Y-M. (2000). Judgements of grammaticality in aphasia: The special case of Chinese. Aphasiology, 14, 1021-1054.

McConkie, G. W., Yang, H.-M., Tsai, C.-H., & Zheng, X. (1998, November). Perception of Chinese text during reading. Paper presented at the Advanced Study Institute on Advances in Theoretical Issues and Cognitive Neuroscience Research of the Chinese Language, University of Hong Kong.

Tsai, C.-H., McConkie, G. W., & Zheng, X. (1998, November). Lexical parsing by Chinese readers. Poster session presented at the Advanced Study Institute on Advances in Theoretical Issues and Cognitive Neuroscience Research of the Chinese Language, University of Hong Kong.

Tsai, C.-H. (1996). Effects of semantic transparency and morphological structure on the representation and recognition of Chinese disyllabic words. In T.-F. Cheng, Y. Li, & H. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Fourth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics and the Seventh North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics: Vol. 2 (pp. 326-343). University of Southern California.

Tsai, C.-H., & McConkie, G. W. (1995, December). The perceptual span in reading Chinese text: A moving window study. Paper presented at the Seventh International Conference on the Cognitive Processing of Chinese and Other Asian Languages, Hong Kong.

Tsai, C.-H., & McConkie, G. W. (1995, September). The perceptual span in reading Chinese text: A moving window study. Poster session presented at the Eighth European Conference on Eye Movements, Derby, UK.

Tsai, C.-H. (1995, June). Effects of semantic transparency and morphological structure on the representation and recognition of Chinese disyllabic words. Paper presented at the Joint Meeting of the Fourth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics and the Seventh North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Madison, Wisconsin.

Chih-Hao Tsai received his B.S. in psychology (clinical) from Kaohsiung Medical College in 1992, M.S. in psychology (cognitive) from National Chung Cheng University in 1994, and Ph.D. in education (learning and cognition) from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Octorber 2001. He is now an independent user experience research consultant. His fields of professional interest are user experience research, cognitive science, cognitive psychology, psycholinguistics, and psychology of reading.

Lu, C.-C., Tsai, C.-H., Tzeng, O. J.-L., Hung, D. L., Lee, S.-E., & Chung, Y.-M. (1994, July). Cerebral hemispheric mechanisms in the processing of disyllable compounds: A perspective from the Chinese morphology. Paper presented at the Third International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Hong Kong.

Tsai, C.-H. (1994). Effects of semantic transparency on the recognition of Chinese two-character words: Evidence for a dual-process model. Unpublished master's thesis, National Chung-Cheng University, Chia-Yi, Taiwan.

Huang, H.-L., Chang, Y.-Y., Chen, S.-F., Tsai, C.-H., & Wang, S.-Y. (1992). Low social economic status family and child maltreatment. Kaohsiung Journal of Medical Sciences, 8(1), 35-44.

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