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Lexical Processing During Reading in Chinese

Reading List

Chih-Hao Tsai ( )

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  1. Chinese Linguistics
  2. Review
  3. Word Segmentation
  4. Morphological & Semantic Processing
  5. Phonological Processing

1. Chinese Linguistics

Chao, Y. R. (1968). A grammar of spoken Chinese. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Li, C. N. & Thompson, S. A. (1981). Mandarin Chinese: A functional reference grammar. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Masini, F. (1993). The formation of modern Chinese lexicon and its evolution toward a national language: The period from 1840 to 1898. Journal of Chinese Monograph Series Number 6.

Tang, T. C. (1988). Studies on Chinese morphology and syntax. Taipei: Student Book.

Tang, T. C. (1989). Studies on Chinese morphology and syntax: 2. Taipei: Student Book.

Tang, T. C. (1992). Studies on Chinese morphology and syntax: 3. Taipei: Student Book.

Tang, T. C. (1992). Studies on Chinese morphology and syntax: 4. Taipei: Student Book.

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2. Review

Hoosain, R. (1991). Psycholinguistic implications for linguistic relativity: A case study of Chinese. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Hung, D. L. & Tzeng, O. J. L. (1981). Orthographic variations and visual information processing. Psychological Bulletin, 90, 377-414.

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3. Word Segmentation

Chen, K. J., & Liu, S. H. (1992). Word identification for mandarin Chinese sentences. Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Nantes, 101-107.

Chiang, T. H., Chang, J. S., Liu, M. Y., & Su, K. Y. (1996). Statistical word segmentation. In C. R. Huang, K. J. Chen and B. K. Tsou (Eds.), Readings in Chinese natural language processing (pp. 123-146). Journal of Chinese Monograph Series Number 9.

Fan, C. K., Tsai, W. H. (1988). Automatic word identification in Chinese sentences by the relaxation technique. Computer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages, 4, 33-56.

Guo, J. (1998). Critical tokenization and its properties. Computational Linguistics, 23, 569-596.

Hoosain, R. (1992). Psychological Reality of the word in Chinese. In H. C. Chen & O. J. L. Tzeng (Eds.), Language processing in Chinese. Elsevier.

Liu, I. M., Yeh, J. S., Wang, L. H., & Chang, Y. K. (1974). Effects of arranging Chinese words as units on reading efficiency. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 16, 25-32.

Mo, R. P. L., Yang, Y. J., Chen, K. J., & Huang, C. R. (1996). Determinative-measure compounds in Mandarin Chinese formation rules and parser implementation. In C. R. Huang, K. J. Chen and B. K. Tsou (Eds.), Readings in Chinese natural language processing (pp. 123-146). Journal of Chinese Monograph Series Number 9.

Sproat, R., & Shih, C. (1990). A statistical method for finding word boundaries in Chinese text. Computer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages, 4, 336-351.

Sproat, R., Shih, C., Gale, W., & Chang, N. (1996). A stochastic finite-state word-segmentation algorithm for Chinese. Computational Linguistics, 22, 377-408.

Yeh, C. L., & Lee, H. J. (1991). Rule-based word identification for mandarin Chinese sentences - A unification approach. Computer Processing of Chinese & Oriental Languages, 5, 97-118.

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4. Morphological & Semantic Processing

Bates, E., Chen, S., Li, P., Opie, M., & Tzeng, O. (1993) Where is the boundary between compounds and phrases in Chinese? A reply to Zhou et al. Brain and Language, 45, 94-107.

Bates, E., Chen, S., Tzeng, O., Li, P., & Opie, M. (1991). The noun-verb problem in Chinese aphasia. Brain and Language, 41, 203-233.

Li, P., Bates, E., & MacWhinney, B. (1993). Processing a language without inflections: A reaction time study of sentence interpretation in Chinese. Journal of Memory and Language, 32, 169-192.

Liu, I. M., Zhu, Y., & Wu, J. T. (1992). The long-term modality effect: In search of differences in processing logographs and alphabetic words. Cognition, 43, 31-66.

Lua, K. T. (1993). A study of Chinese word semantics and its prediction. Computer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages, 7, 167-189.

Taft, M., & Zhu, X. (1995). Processing bound morpheme in English and Chinese. In L. Feldman (Ed.), Morphological aspects of language processing. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Tzeng, O. J. L., Chen, S., & Hung, D. L. (1991). The classifier problem in Chinese aphasia. Brain and Language, 41, 184-202.

Tzeng, O. J. L., Lu, C. C., & Hung, D. L. (1994). Lexical diffusion: A neurolinguistics perspective. In M. Y. Chen & O. J. L. (Eds.), In honor of William S-Y. Wang: Interdisciplinary studies on language and language change (pp. 551-575). Taipei, Taiwan: Pyramid Press.

Zhou, X., & Marslen-Wilson, W. (1994). Words, morphemes and syllables in the Chinese mental lexicon. Language and Cognitive Processes, 9, 393-422.

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5. Phonological Processing

Flores d'Arcais, G. B., Saito, H., & Kawakami, M. (1995). Phonological and semantic activation in reading kanji characters. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 21, 34-42.

Leck, K. J., Weekes, B. S., & Chen, M. J. (1995). Visual and phonological pathways to the lexicon: Evidence from Chinese readers. Memory & Language, 23, 468-476.

Perfetti, C. A. & Zhang, S. (1991). Phonological processes in reading Chinese characters. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 17, 633-643.

Perfetti, C. A., & Zhang, S. (1995). Very early phonological activation in Chinese reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 21, 24-33.

Perfetti, C. N., & Tan, L. H. (1998). The time course of graphic, phonological and semantic activation in Chinese character identification. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 24, 101-118.

Read, C., Zhang, Y. F., Nie, H. Y., & Ding, B. Q. (1986). The ability to manipulate speech sounds depends on knowing alphabetic writing. Cognition, 24, 31-44.

Seidenberg, M. S. (1985). The time course of phonological code activation in two writing systems. Cognition, 19, 1-30.

Taft, M., & Chen, H. C. (1992). Judging homophony in Chinese: The influence of tones. In H. C. Chen and O. J. L. Tzeng (Eds.), Language processing in Chinese. Amsterdam: North-Holland.

Tan, L. H., & Perfetti, C. A. (1997). Visual Chinese character recognition: Does phonological information mediate access to meaning?' Journal of Memory and Language, 37, 41-57.

Tzeng, O. J. L., Hung, D. L., & Wang, W. S-Y. (1977). Speech recoding in reading Chinese characters. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Learning and Memory, 3, 621-630.

Wydell, T.N., Patterson, K. E., & Humphreys, G. W. (1993). Phonologically mediated access to meaning for kanji: Is a Rows still a Rose in Japanese kanji? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, & Cognition, 19, 491-514.

Xu, Y. (1991). Depth of phonological recoding in short-term memory. Memory & Language, 19, 263-273.

Zhou, X. (1998). Is there a phonologically mediated access to lexical semantics in reading Chinese? In A. Inhoff, J. Wang, & H.-C. Chen (Eds.) (in press), Reading Chinese Script: A cognitive analysis. NJ: Erlbaum.

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